Talent and Leadership Development

In today’s uncertain and competitive business environment, it is not enough to just "control costs" or "attempt to stay within budget"!  These times demand innovative solutions and approaches that result in business success today, and ensure the sustainability of your organization into the future. IRI can help you capitalize on the collective talents, energies, and ideas of your most important resource:  your leadership team!

Leadership is one of the most important, and least understood, skills of all. IRI has years of experience teaching managers and supervisors how to become leaders. Our interactive workshops teach your leaders excellent methods for implementing positive organization change. Best of all, we come to you and train all of your managers and supervisors!

Major topics of training include:

  • Attitude
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Vision/Mission of the Organization
  • Leadership Qualities and Behaviors
  • Communication Styles
  • Active Listening Skills
  • Effective Feedback/Coaching Skills
  • Managing Conflict
  • Dealing with Problem Employees
  • Motivation
  • Delegation
  • How to Build a Winning Team

Workshops can be customized, and usually include a 2-3 day workshop.  Our training consultant will meet with you to discuss concerns, specific issues, and objectives for the training.  We will then customize the elements of the workshop to fit the needs of your target leadership pool.

Call IRI at (972) 231-9817, or send an email to irisurveys@iriconsulting.com for more details and information.