Employee Value Proposition

Every company has an Employee Value Proposition (EVP), but most companies don't know what it is.  Companies with a clearly stated EVP understand it is essential for attracting the right talent with the right fit for the company.  They also know it helps inspire high performace, reduces turnover, and motivates employees to be brand ambassadors.  After all, your employees can be the strongest and most effective advocates for your business.

Understanding your EVP and matching your culture to potential employees will help you get the right motivational and cultural fit.  IRI’s proven methodology for defining an EVP includes a simple two-question survey of all employees, and a very rigorous analysis of this feedback to learn:

  • Why employees accept positions at your company,
  • What things are important to employees, and
  • Why employees stay.

The result is an Employee Value Proposition statement that resonates with potential candidates whose drivers and career interests are aligned with your company culture, and who have the highest likelihood of succeeding at your company.

Call IRI at (972) 231-9817, or send an email to irisurveys@iriconsulting.com for more details and information.