Employee Engagement Surveys

An engaged employee is someone who “lives” the job, not just “does” the job.  There is a BIG difference!  IRI’s engagement survey process will help you:

  • Uncover barriers to high engagement.
  • Increase trust between employees and management.
  • Identify and prioritize company-wide employee relations problems.
  • Evaluate supervisory and employee talent development needs.
  • Promote action planning and problem-solving at all levels.
  • Identify causes of low morale, high turnover, and absenteeism.

Reporting Features & Post-Survey Services include:

  • Executive Summary of Results
  • Internal Norm Comparisons
  • Feedback Materials
  • Demographic/Organizational Breakouts
  • Multi-lingual Capability
  • Survey Follow-up Focus Groups
  • Action Planning Support

Whatever your reason for conducting an employee engagement survey, IRI is the best in the business and can help make your employee engagement survey a success. Call IRI at (972) 231-9817, or send an email to irisurveys@iriconsulting.com for more details and information.